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The 2nd Edition of the “Ethiopia Tamrit” ( to mean “Let Ethiopia Produce”) Expo, which ran through 6th – 10th May 2023 at Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was concluded to have a great energy in developing the manufacturing sector of Ethiopia. The Expo has been the initiative of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia HE Dr. Abiy Ahmed to promote Ethiopian manufacturing to the level potential demands. The Expo was part of the 10-year development plan for the industry sector –intends to address the challenges that producers at all levels confront during the manufacturing process, and increase the sector’s contribution to the GDP.
Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) Co-sponsored the Expo which has been an important Platform for Ethiopian Manufacturing sector enhancement in general and Leather and Leather Products and allied industries markets in particular.
Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) facilitated experience sharing and learning visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) delegation to the Ethiopian leather sector from August 22 to 29, 2022. The delegation was led by Mr Nicolas KALIMIRA KABAGAYA, Assistant Director General, “AgenceNationale de Development de l’Entrepreneuriat Congolais” (ANADEC) and composed of Mr Pascal BAKOLE NYIME, Advisor to the State Minister; Mr Modeste KAMBALA KALALA, head for the Design and Implementation of SMEs incubation Centers; Mr. Jeru MATUNGULU TSHIMBALANGA, Expert at ANADEC and Mr. Roger MVIDI MUKULU, Manager of SMEs Incubation Center.
The DRC delegation started its mission activities with courtesy call to ALLPI Executive Director at ALLPI headquarters and meeting and discussion with ALLPI Management and Experts. This was followed by activities that focused on visiting tanneries processing hides and skins to finished leather,follow-up of shoe manufacturing process and hands-on training in Shoemaking Machines handling and Maintenance.The delegation visiteda total of 5 tanneries (Colba Tannery, Mojo Tannery, Awash tannery, Batu Tannery and LIDI tannery department) and 4 shoe factories (Fontanian Shoe Factory, Universal leather Products Factory, Yaha footwear manufacturing company and LIDI Footwear department) to observe and learn from the facilities reach experience. Two of the delegation members were also trained in Shoemaking Machines handling and minor Maintenance at Fonanina Shoe factory from 23 to 29 August 2022.
The Hub’s footwear consultant traveled to Ethiopia and Kenya over the past week to meet with footwear stakeholders and exporters. Ethiopia is the largest African exporter of footwear under AGOA and Kenya is seeking to revitalize its leather sector, with footwear as a major component. The Hub’s footwear consultant assessed Ethiopian and Kenyan footwear firms to identify export-ready enterprises with which the Hub will engage. Selected firms will benefit from one-on-one technical assistance and linkages with U.S. buyers. Selected firms will also be eligible to participate in Hub-sponsored trade shows, including the upcoming Sourcing at MAGIC trade show in Las Vegas, NV on February 20-23, 2017.
While in Ethiopia, the Hub’s footwear consultant conducted a technical workshop with 20 export-ready companies to educate participants on U.S. market dynamics and requirements. Prof. Mwinyihija, the Executive Director of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute also made a presentation on intra-regional footwear market opportunities in Eastern Africa which was well received by companies.
Toscana Machine Calzature (TMC) and ItalProgetti have signed an agreement with prisons department to establish two leather factories in Moshi Region.
The two factories, one for shoe-making and another for tanneries, will be constructed on 25 acres of land at the industrial area within Karanga Prison.
Tanzania has been importing shoes and leather products while making little use of its livestock products.
Two Italian companies have entered Tanzania’s leather sector to take advantage of the large quantities of raw hides and skins produced every year in the country.
Toscana Machine Calzature (TMC) and ItalProgetti have signed an agreement with Prisons Department and the Public Service Social Security Fund to establish two leather factories in Moshi in Kilimanjaro Region.
The companies will invest $24.5 million to construct two leather factories to be managed jointly with Karanga Leather Industries Company Ltd in Karanga Prison.
The two factories, one for shoe-making and another for tanneries, will be constructed on 25 acres of land at the industrial area within Karanga Prison, and are set for completion in 16 months.TMC sales manager Daniele Ferradini said the Italian companies will provide both finances and technology for production of quality leather products for export to Italy and other European countries. The plant is expected to produce 1.2 million pairs of shoes per year.
The Public Service Social Security Fund and the National Social Security Fund are also reviving leather factories in Morogoro Region with the Prisons Department.
Source: https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/business/Italian-firms-to-invest-in-Tanzania-leather-sector/2560-4998766-v0vp9s/index.html