External Courses

  • Leather Goods Design and Pattern Making

    • This unit covers the knowledge about the understanding of design & styles of the leather goods.
    • Provide the necessary skills and craft ability required for the development of model pattern.
    • Provide useful information about fashion trends and to exercise originality of products
    • Demonstrate a high degree of competence with practical skills utilized in design & pattern making.
    • Understand the procedure of assembling and stitching different types of leather goods
  • Footwear Making Technology (Assembling)

    • Bring into awareness the wide range of materials used for bottom stock.
    • Create knowledge and understanding of lasting technique.
    • Ensure easier adaptation to fast changing making (assembly) technology.
    • Boost morale and exude confidence while discharging duties.
    • Demonstrate a high degree of competence with practical skills utilized in making (assembly) department.
  • Gender Mainstreaming in the Leather Sector

    Gender Mainstreaming in the Leather Sector

    The main purpose of this course is to introduce participants to a set of instruments to enhance mainstreaming of gender at policy, organizational and program levels. This will assist participants to understand how gender impacts on policy and practice in the workplace.

  • Sustainable consumption and production processes in the leather sector

    Sustainable consumption and production processes in the leather sector

    This course seeks to give participants practical methods of how they can create sustainably businesses through resource efficiency. This can help achieve desired results within a set timeframe and budget with minimum usage of the resources.

  • Total Quality Managment (TQM) of Abattoirs Operations Focusing on Hides and Skins

  • Skills Development Towards Eco-friendly Preservation of Hides and Skins

  • Rural Tanning Skill Development Towards Conformity and Compliance to Standards of end Products

  • Introduction to Cleaner Technology and Environmental Managment of Leather Processing

  • Hides and Skins Quality Production Through Improved FlayingTechniques

LLPI Internal Courses

  • LLPI Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Training

    Monitoring and Evaluation

    This training is aimed at establishing sound M&E system that is critical for helping the Institute understand to what extent it has achieved what it intended to achieve. Specifically, the course will explore some of the foundations for designing and implementing robust monitoring and evaluation system. This includes the ten step of establishing a monitoring and evaluation system, including the approach of results based management. It will also explore topics to enhance staff skill by defining results, developing and selecting key performance indicators, collection of data and information, grouping indicators and developing output monitoring tools.

  • Basics of Information Technology and the Internet

    Basics of Information Technology

    This basic Information Technology skills training will allow trainees to gain an understanding of the most popular, current technologies used at home and in the workplace. Trainees will become computer literate in this hands-on training while they learn to access, create, save and manage documents, spreadsheets and emails and use the Internet effectively. This training also demystify terminology and impart best practice skills for productive and secure use of hardware and software. This course is great for adults with no previous computer experience.

  • LLPI Working English Language Training

    Course Description:

    This is to provide English Language Training in English for Work and English for Specific Purpose for the Employees in the Institute. This short-term training programme is addressed at the intermediate level for employees to have the capability of expressing themselves in English and participate in day-to-day institutional discussions. It is, thus, aimed at familiarizing the participants with the intermediary principles of successful oral communication of information and to strengthen awareness of the factors that interfere with communication and reduce its effectiveness and develop confidence.

  • LLPI Performance Management Training

    Course Description:

    This training examines the importance of an effective performance management system in helping Institute define and achieve short and long term goals based on its Strategy. It explains and reinforces the concept that performance management is not a one-time supervisory event, but an ongoing process of planning, facilitating, assessing, and improving individual and institutional performance. In addition, the course emphasizes the importance of measuring the effectiveness of human resource activities that are designed to enhance individual and institutional performance.

  • LLPI Employee Health and Safety Training

    Course Description

    Employees Health and Safety Training is very important to ensure healthy and safe working conditions. The working environment should be conducive to facilitate the employees’ health and safety in the work place. The trainer tries to identify and fill the gaps that may exist between the actual health and safety competencies that people in the Institute already have and those needed to prevent health and safety problems.

  • Internal Monitoring and Evaluation Smartsheet (IMES) for LLPI

    Monitoring and Evaluation using Smartsheet

    This course is aimed at acquainting participants with the basic features of online Smartsheet tool on developing work plan, updating progress, reporting, tracking and communicating. The Module also covers different features of Smartsheet such as Alerts and Calendars, File attachments and comments, search and reporting, collaboration and organization of activities, formulas and functions, project management and Gantt Charts, and Integration with other services.

  • LLPI Quality Management and Environmental Management System (QMS/EMS) Internal Audit Training

    QMS/EMS Internal Audit

    This Training aims at the basics of performing internal audits of a QMS/EMS based on the process approach with process mentality, EMS and QMS policy, EMS and QMS objectives, processes, products and organizational alignment.

    This also assists Internal Auditors how to prepare an audit plan, conduct an audit, document findings, report and ensure follow-up for corrective actions.

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Call for volunteer Design Competition judges

Real Leather. Stay Different. African Talent Leather Design Showcase 2023

ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

ALLPI is Certified of ISO Quality Management and Environment Management System


Contact Us

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
Fax:+251-11-439 0900
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.