Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) participated on Global Trade and investment Mission 2023 (South Africa CAPE TOWN) (25th - 31st MARCH 2023) to represent Africa Leather sector in general and to explore the collaboration areas to support the Africa leather value chain.

The objectives of this investment and Trade mission are to create awareness about the potential of the leather sector in Africa for Trade and investment and brief the participants about the ALLPI’s activities in facilitating the development of the leather sector in the region; that in turn allows participants from Africa and other part of the world know the potential and invest in Africa sustainably. This also created networking with the conference participants/Exhibitors and the potential investment funders for the future support activities to Africa Leather sector in general.

At the opening session of the conference the key note was addressed by Hon Marius Fransman, Former Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) and he mentioned the readiness should be there from Africa entrepreneurs and government to explore and benefit from Africa continental Free Trade area.

With the aim of focusing on practical knowledge sharing and engaging in active learning, there were relevant speakers and participants from 13 countries from Africa and globally that encourage, direct and connect entrepreneurs to the right people for the development of their business.

During the conference the potential of leather sector in Africa for Trade and investment and also the activities of ALLPI in facilitating the development of the leather sector in the region were presented by Mrs. Birkinesh Gonfa, ALLPI’s Investment, Trade and Marketing Expert. During the discussion session the participants showed interest to know more about leather lector development and ALLPI activities in general.

Visit to Exhibition and Networking
Visit to Exhibition and Networking
Enhancing the visibility of ALLPI during the conference
Women Empowerment Initiative during the Forum

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
Fax:+251-11-439 0900
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Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.