Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) facilitated experience sharing and learning visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) delegation to the Ethiopian leather sector from August 22 to 29, 2022. The delegation was led by Mr Nicolas KALIMIRA KABAGAYA, Assistant Director General, “AgenceNationale de Development de l’Entrepreneuriat Congolais” (ANADEC) and composed of Mr Pascal BAKOLE NYIME, Advisor to the State Minister; Mr Modeste KAMBALA KALALA, head for the Design and Implementation of  SMEs incubation Centers; Mr. Jeru MATUNGULU TSHIMBALANGA, Expert at ANADEC and Mr. Roger MVIDI MUKULU, Manager of SMEs Incubation Center.

The DRC delegation started its mission activities with courtesy call to ALLPI Executive Director at ALLPI headquarters and meeting and discussion with ALLPI Management and Experts.  This was followed by activities that focused on visiting tanneries processing hides and skins to finished leather,follow-up of shoe manufacturing process and hands-on training in Shoemaking Machines handling and Maintenance.The delegation visiteda total of 5 tanneries (Colba Tannery, Mojo Tannery, Awash tannery, Batu Tannery and LIDI tannery department) and 4 shoe factories (Fontanian Shoe Factory, Universal leather Products Factory, Yaha footwear manufacturing company and LIDI Footwear department) to observe and learn from the facilities reach experience. Two of the delegation members were also trained in Shoemaking Machines handling and minor Maintenance at Fonanina Shoe factory from 23 to 29 August 2022.

The mission activities were completed with a small luncheon organized by ALLPI to present certificates to the two participants that took the Shoemaking Machines handling and minor Maintenance training.  The delegation members underlined the visit as an eye-opener and indicated that the lessons learnt and skills gained during the mission period will go a long way to boost the capacity to sustainably deliver quality services to SMEs and stakeholders in DRC. Finally, the DRC delegation head, Mr KABAGAYA and ALLPI Programs Coordinator, Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin in their closing statements reiterated the importance of further strengthening the collaboration between the two institutions and called for  DRC’s membership at ALLPI.

Delegates Visiting the ALLPI Headquarters Building which is under major maintenance
Delegates Visiting the ALLPI Headquarters Building which is under major maintenance
Delegates Visiting the ALLPI Headquarters Building which is under major maintenance
Delegates Visiting the ALLPI Headquarters Building which is under major maintenance
Group Picture After the Meeting
Group Picture After the Meeting
ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

ALLPI is Certified of ISO Quality Management and Environment Management System


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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.