COMESA-LLPI organized the above one day Workshop for key Stakeholders that was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, ELIA Meeting Hall, on 8th November 2016. The purpose of the workshop was to pre-validate the Draft Medium Term Strategic Action Plan, 2017-2021, (MTSAP) document through intensive discussion among key stakeholders, invited by the Association. The Workshop was represented by 7 participants from various leather and allied industries/enterprises and COMESA/LLPI.

The MTSAP (Strategy) document was developed by the COMESA/LLPI on the basis of extensive consultations among the leather value chain actors, review of important documents from private and public sector nationally and beyond, in close collaboration with ELIA.
The Strategy planning attempted to align ELIA’s Mission and Vision, identify and find ways of formulating workable Strategy to assist its members and the Government as well. During the one day workshop presentations by COMESA/LLPI Experts were made and held discussions on the Draft Document and comments made by participants.

The Workshop recommended enriching the Documents by various inputs provided, and COMESA/LLPI to make the Document ready for further validation by the General Assembly of the Association intended to take place in the second week of December 2016.