Dear Prof. Mwinyikione and Fellow Participants;
Congratulations on completing your annual forum ahead of Schedule and this wonderful event.
Your abilities to organize and motivate your members are a real asset to the ALLPI Agency. Your innovation and persistence made all the difference in making this achievement possible. Thank you all for inviting us to Zambia,Livingstone, I hope we will have long-term partnerships in near future.
Thank you for your continued efforts.
Regards, Murat ÖZBEK.

  Murat ÖZBEK.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TEL: +90 537 521 44 30

Dear Executive Director of ALLPI,
Dear All,
Greetings from Rwanda.
I hope you had a safe journey. This is to thank you for the time we spend with you in The David Livingstone Safari Lodge & Spa, and also for substantial contributions to the deliberations, which have left us wiser towards competitiveness of the African leather industry worldwide.
Kind regards,


Agro-processing & Biotechnological Research Division Manager
National Industrial Research & Development Agency (NIRDA)
Tel.: +250 788430260
        +250 788428305

Dear Prof. Mwinyihija and Esteemed Colleagues;
I am highly appreciated the meetings to evaluate our yesterdays and to set the goals for our tomorrows in Livingstone Zambia and also very thankful for those who contributed for this events enlightening our paths for the next future.
Dear Prof. Mwinyihija; It was proved that you team in COMESA is so much experienced in motivating the stakeholders to work hard for the goals. It is an incumbent upon us to work hard together for turning this potential to economical growth.
I thank you again for the very successful 11th RLSCT and Stakeholders Consultative Meetings and for the participants about their valuable contributions.
Greetings and a very happy new year.


Dear Prof Mwinyihija,
Allow me to drop a line in congratulating you and your staff for a well organized coordinated and informative forum. It was enriched with presentations and active contributions from all participants, an indication that the well deserved branding of LLPI to ALLPI will greatly impact positively on the leather sector globally. We hope to continuously exploit avenues for further improving the value chain at every stage.
Looking forward to continue benefiting from your vast experience, your team and from all participants through information sharing.
Congratulations once again.

  Sekandi A.Hakiim

Sekandi A.Hakiim
Leatherland Ltd
Plot 13 & 15 Industrial Road, Masaka
Cell: +256 772583260

Dear Prof. Mwinyihija,
Ethiopian Leather Industries Association (ELIA) is so proud of you for achieving the goal that your institute encompasses the entire Africa, ALLPI.
You have proved, to the leather industry of this continent, that your highest level quality leadership ensured yours and your team's continuing reputations. To that end on behalf of ELIA I kindly congratulate you for your hard working. I wish also to extend my appreciation for the successful ALLPI annual regional consultative forum 2017 held during December 13-14, 2017 at the David Livingstone Safari Lodge and Spa in Livingstone, Zambia.
Hope that we will make together "All African Leather Fair" one of the market development events of Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI).
Kindest regards

  Abdissa Adugna

Abdissa Adugna
Secretary General
Ethiopian Leather Industries Association (ELIA)  
Tel. 251 115 156144, fax 251 115508935
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: abdissa.adugna1
web site:,    
P.o.Box 12898, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Lion Building 6th Floor (infront of Maskel Square)

Dear Executive Director and team
Thank you for affording Prestige leathers an opportunity to participate in such an event, thank you again for visiting the Bulawayo leather cluster and Prestige leathers your efforts and commitment is greatly appreciated. Through your efforts we promise to harness all facets that your organization has instituted for the growth of the leather industry.
Kind regards

  Bryan Wilson

General Manager Prestige Leathers
Board member: Dpt of Fibre and Polymer Engineering  NUST Zimbabwe
B.Eng Hons Chemical Engineering (NUST-Zimbabwe)
Specialist- Effluent treatment and Production Technologies
Cell :+263 778 297 279
Dear Prof. Greetings. I take this opportunity for the organizers of the just ended Workshop at Livingstone Zambia. The contribution and deliberations were insightful. It is through such forums that we can be able to make contributions to the leather players and exchange of ideas becomes paramount. this kind of forums will go a long way in uplifting the standards of leather and leather goods production in the region as evidenced in the transformation that has already taken place. Keep it up.

  Dr. Douglas Okerio Onyancha

Dr. Douglas Okerio Onyancha,

Senior Lecturer Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

P.O. BOX 657-10100 Nyeri

Dear Prof. Mwinyihija,
I join the leather family in congratulating you for the outstanding and insightful conference. It's always a great honor to partake of your great wealth of knowledge and to be facilitated in learning and subsistence by your esteemed organization and team. Thank you for being a wonderful host. Allow me to once again extend my appreciation for the humbling recognition you accorded me. I feel greatly honored and re-energized in making my contribution towards delivering the leather dream in Africa. May the almighty God bless you abundantly as you steer ALLPI to even greater heights.

  Beatrice Kemunto - Mwasi


ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

ALLPI is Certified of ISO Quality Management and Environment Management System


Contact Us

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
Fax:+251-11-439 0900
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.