A training course in Tanning Clinic to Tannery Technicians operating in different tanneries was held at the Nakuru Tannery Ltd, Kenya from February 21 to 26, 2018. The training was organized by Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute in collaboration with the Kenya Leather Development Council and the United Chemicals company, Turkey. The trainers, Mr. Kadir Kubur and Mr. Nejat Bakkurt were from United Chemicals, Aliaga-Izmir, Turkey.
A total of 10 Tannery senior technicians drawn from different parts of the country from public and private sectors, took part in the training.

The purpose of the training program was to enhance the productivity and quality finished leather production through improving the knowhow, skills and attitude of the Technicians in wet blue to crust and crust to finishing operations. The training will contribute a lot for the quality improvement of existing finishing operations.
The summary of the evaluation undertaken at the end of the training by the trainees as well as trainers indicated that the almost all of the participants were very satisfied with the training course contents and delivery.