The Mamoun Behairy Centre (MBC)for Economic and Social Studies and Researches in Africa, Khartoum, held a workshop entitled “Sudan Leather  and Meat  Sector- the way forward” on 20th, May 2015. MBC is an African, independent, non-governmental and non-profit research and training institution that encourages, promote and sponsor in-depth research and studies in the disciplines and fields that are related to economic and social development in Africa.


The workshop was attended by stakeholders of the leather and meat sector that included high ranking government officials.  Papers presented encompassed the Sudan Leather Value Chain Strategy document and problems faced by the sector & possible solutions.
Dr. Khalid Almagbool - Sudanese business men union member & head of Meat Exporters Chamber presented a paper entitled “Problems Faced by the Leather and Meat Sector and Possible Solutions. This was followed by a presentation on the Sudan Leather Value Chain Strategy by Eng. Suliman Mohammed. Eng. Suliman is member of the COMESA/LLPI Regional Leather Sector Core Team, and also member of the Sudan Leather Chamber.

Mr Hashim Kalids who is Consultant for the leather Sector under the Khartoum State and also member of the COMESA/LLPI Board of Directors made commentary briefing that focused on the different sections of the Sudan Leather Value chain Strategy. His comments focused on the way forward after launching of the strategy.  He also made mention about the role played by the COMESA/LLPI in developing leather sector in the COMESA region in general and in member countries in particular.  He indicated the vision, mission and objectives of the Institute (COMESA/LLPI) and activities, plans and programs (long - mid & short) that were implemented and supervised by the Institute’s Experts. He also highlighted what member States look and expect from this unique Institute.

During the workshop, participants shared their experiences and pointed out much potential that need to be unlocked from the leather and meat sectors.