The study aims to collect information on current national, regional and continental qualifications and curriculum available for workers in the leather industry in Africa to enable further analysis of the potential for continental level qualifications for the sector.

ILO contracted ALLPI to undertake the study

Objectives of this study are to:

  1. Provide an overview of education and training arrangements for the leather sector in Africa;
  2. Develop an occupational map of the sector that identifies the range of occupations and jobs at different skill levels and in different sub-sectors of the leather industry;
  3. Review and document the programs and qualifications supporting the full range of occupations present in the leather industry in Africa;
  4. Collect enrollment and completion data for these programs where available;
  5.  Identify occupational standards, qualifications, programs and learning pathways relevant to the leather sector and align those with the occupational map to identify gaps and the extent to which education and training opportunities exist for occupations in the sector.
  6. Identify good practices from other regions for sector specific qualification framework for the leather sector, and suggest options for the Africa context, as appropriate;
  7. Outline a framework of possible model qualifications for the sector, taking into account international examples of qualification frameworks for the leather sector and the related work on scoping an African Qualifications Framework (ACQF) underway through the AUC-EC-GiZ ‘Skills Initiative for Africa’ and others, and with the active involvement of the social partners.

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Prof. (Dr5) Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, Former Executive Director of ALLPI (2013-2022)

ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

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