Ethiopia is Africa's oldest independent country  and its second  largest in terms of population. Apart from a five-year  occupation by  Mussolini's Italy, it has never been colonised. 

 It served as a symbol of African independence throughout the colonial   period, and was a founder member of the United Nations and the African  base for  many international organisations.

Ethiopia is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It shares  borders with Eritrea  to the north and northeast, Djibouti and Somalia  to the east, Sudan and South  Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south.  With nearly 100 million inhabitants,  Ethiopia is the most populous  landlocked country in the world, as well as the  second-most populous  nation on the African continent after Nigeria. It occupies  a total area  of 1,100,000 square kilometres (420,000 sq mi), and its  capital and  largest city is Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia offered a greater richness in archaeological  findings and  historical buildings which makes it a country of rich heritage. It  is  being regarded as the cradle of both mankind and civilization. It is one  of  the largest Christian Nation in the world, who has welcomed and  accommodated  Islam signaling it as the land of religion tolerance.
    Ethiopia is a country of  highly diverse population with more than 80  different ethnic groups living  together in peace and harmony while  maintaining their language, culture and  history. Thus, is regarded as  the land of diversity and unity. Moreover, is an  ecologically diverse  country with three climatic zones: the cool, the temperate  and the hot  zones, and it is rich in both flora and fauna. Ethiopia is also the   origin of coffee.

Ethiopia's ancient Ge'ez script, also known as Ethiopic,   is one of the oldest alphabets still in use in the world. The Ethiopian   calendar, which is approximately seven years and three months behind  the Gregorian  calendar, co-exists alongside the Borana calendar.

Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the UN, the Group of 24  (G-24),  the Non-Aligned Movement, G-77 and the Organisation of African  Unity.  Ethiopia's capital city Addis Ababa serves as the headquarters  of the African  Union, the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry,  the United Nations  Economic Commission for Africa, African Aviation  Training HQ, the African  Standby Force, and many of the global NGOs  focused on Africa.

Leather Industry in Ethiopia

First in Africa and   tenth in the world in terms of cattle  population, Ethiopia possesses   ample business potential opportunities  for leather industry, employment   generation, export earnings, and  expediting nation's pace towards   industrial development.

As sources   indicate, the country has about 2.5 percent of the world  livestock   population with about 57.83 million cattle; 28.04 million  sheep and   28.61 million heads of goat. Every year, the nation produces  5 million   tons of hides, 8.1 million tons of sheepskins and 7.5  million tons of   goat skins.

In view of these   resources and identifying the multifaceted rewards  in terms of creating   more jobs, boosting export and overall economic  growth, in the past   decades, the government has been striving to  develop the leather sector.   This is being done mostly through  attracting local and foreign   investors from across the world and  facilitating conducive environment   to export high-end leather products  rather than semi-processed outputs.   And the country has made  significant strides in the sector over the last   few decades.

Currently, the   leather industry is thriving remarkably. Anchor  foreigner companies, for   instance from Italy, China, UK, India, and  Turkey, are operating within   the country and the number of tanneries  are increasing from time to   time. Concurrently, international market  destinations are expanding and   the amounts of products that are  supplied to the global market have   increased in volume, variety and  quality.

Tourism in Ethiopia

The natural beauty of Ethiopia amazes the first-time visitor.  Ethiopia is a land of rugged mountains ( some 25 are over 4000 meters  high) broad savannah, lakes and rivers. 

The unique Rift Valley is a remarkable region of volcanic lakes, with  their famous collections of birdlife, great escarpments and stunning  vistas. 

Tisisat, the blue Nile falls, must rank as one of the greatest  natural spectacles in Africa today. With 14 major wildlife reserves, 

Ethiopia provides a microcosm of the entire subsaharan ecosystem.  Birdlife abounds, and indigenous animals from the rare Walia ibex to the  shy wild ass, roam free just as nature intended. Ethiopia, after the  rains, is a land decked with flowers and with many more native plants  than most countries in Africa. 

Africa is fast emerging as one of the future markets for  sourcing  quality leather and hides for the booming global leather industry.   Leather and leather products are among the most widely traded and  universally  used commodities in the world.

 Africa's abundance of livestock represents a natural  strength for  the sector, as leather is a by-product of the meat industry.  Africa has  about 15 per cent of the world's cattle population, a percentage  that  grew by about a quarter over the last decade, overtaking the global  trend.  Similarly, Africa possesses about 25 per cent of the world’s  sheep and goat  population. This puts African at the centre of the  booming leather industry as  a key supplier of hides and raw materials  to the growing industry of leather  and leather goods.

Dr Micheal Meyer, FILK Germany This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr J Raghava Rao, CSIR-CLRI, India This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr BN Das, CSIR-CLRI, India This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dr S Rajamani, India This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr Richard G. Haverkamp, Massey University, NZ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr Luis Zugno, IUR chairman, Brazil This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr Buddhadeb Chattopadhyay, Kolkata, India This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Elton Hurlow, IUL chairman, UK This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr S Sadulla, India This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Prof. Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, Executive Director, ALLPI, Ethiopia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr Jianzhong Ma, Shannxi Univ. China This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dr Sanjoy Chakraborthy, Kolkata, India This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dr. Juan-Carlos Castell, AQEIC-Spain This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Paul, Adhir Chandra , Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Bangladesh This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Agenda & Speakers



November 1, 2021
5th World Leather Congress Sessions
8:30 AM-5:00 PM
November 3, 2021
XXXVI IULTCS Congress Virtual Sessions Day One
8:00 AM-6:30 PM
Composite materials and utilization of leather waste resources
6:31 PM-7:59 AM
Cleaner technologies for the leather processing and Environment
6:31 PM-7:59 AM
November 4, 2021
XXXVI IULTCS Congress Virtual Sessions Day Two
8:00 AM-6:30 PM
Leather industry entrepreneurship and progress towards sustainability
6:31 PM-7:59 AM
Leather Chemicals
6:31 PM-7:59 AM
November 5, 2021
XXXVI IULTCS Congress Virtual Sessions Day Three
8:00 AM-6:30 PM
Scientific Researches of leather
6:31 PM-11:59 PM

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors



The International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies, a world-wide organization of professional societies, was originally organized in London in 1897. There are currently 18 Member Societies and 5 Associate Members representing some 3000 individual members.

According to the IULTCS statutes the aims of the Union are to foster cooperation between member societies, to hold congresses to further the advancement of leather science and technology, to form commissions for special studies and to establish international methods of samples and testing leather and materials associated with leather manufacture. 

The IULTCS organization has held 35 Congresses in nineteen different countries on five continents. In 2021 the IULTCS will add another new country when the Congress will be held in Ethiopia.


Read More About IULTCS

Following the new economic models and the different consumers’ attitudes toward the fashion system, the leather industry has recently been experiencing a technological and digital transformation, by developing and implementing new organization patterns.

This transition has gone hand to hand with the industry’s commitment to safeguard and keep intact the story, cultural relevance, significance, sustainability, and properties of “leather”.

After the meetings held in South America (Rio de Janeiro, 2011), Europe (Milan, 2015), Asia (Shanghai, 2017), and America (New York, 2019), the 5th World Leather Congress strengthens its global vocation by reaching the African Continent. The IULTCS congress immediately is followed by the World Leather Congress (WLC) and thereafter the All Africa Leather Fair (AALF) providing 8day leather ‘bonanza’ for the global community all these events scheduled for November 2021 (see the respective posters for details) to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Both the Congresses will attract International speakers from the most influential fashion and tanning industries. Premier organizations from standards, policy, research, and development globally to discuss leather. Just as the IULTCS, the WLC also is held  every two years in different countries of the World and is organized by the International Council of Tanners (ICT) in collaboration with Member Association. 

Participation of the WLC if free of charges.

About International Council of Tanners (ICT)

The International Council of Tanners is the Global organisation for the leather producing industry. ICT was established in 1926, when there was a pressing need to establish a uniform International Contract for the buying and selling of hides, skins, and leather in order to facilitate, regulate and promote international trade in the sector.

ICT acts as a source of information on the global industry, especially on statistics. ICT is a focus for agreeing on common industry positions on issues – such as International Contracts, the methodology for measuring leather, leather terminology. This includes meetings with other industry bodies such as ICHSLTA and IULTCS which have similar and related interests.

Read More about ICT

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), formerly COMESA – Leather and Leather Products Institute (COMESA/LLPI), is an intergovernmental organization established through a Charter signed by 17 heads of State of COMESA Countries in 1990. Its mandate was to facilitate the development of the leather sector in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) region prior to its rebranding. However, with re-branding through a Summit communiqué, its mandate was widened geographically to cover the entire African Continent, with its mandate remaining as enshrined in its founding charter. The African outreach will align to the attainment of Agenda 2063 and also create value towards the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) and Tripartite structure. 

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) is currently implementing its 10 year Strategic plan (2016 to 2025) which aims at transforming the continent’s leather sector from production and export of raw materials to production and export of finished products and enhance the leather sector trade integration under CFTA and Tripartite structure. The Strategic plan, is aligned with the AU agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its involvement of Public, Private Sector and the Academia (“Triple Helix”) is contributing toward transforming the livelihoods in Africa through sustainable leather sector development through value addition, enhanced productivity and competitiveness. 

In order to address the long-standing weakness in product development, design and fashion forecast in the leather sector, ALLPI has also embarked on an ambitious Flagship program the Regional Design Studio with satellite studios in member countries. The program was initiated in 2015 and to date satellite design studios are set up in 6 member countries. The development of design capacity is expected to enhance the exportability and competitiveness of the Continent’s leather sector. 

ALLPI is also occupying a pivotal place in continental and global fora that deal with the leather sector. It is serving as a specialized institute for the leather sector in the African Union Commodity Strategy Development, partnering in the organization of All Africa Leather Fair (AALF), serving as Member and Vice President of the International Council of Tanners (ICT) and an Executive Member of the International Unions of Leather Technologist and Chemists Society (IULTCS).





Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute
Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute
Ethiopia Ministry of Trade and Industry
Ethiopia Ministry of Trade and Industry
Leather Industry Development Institute
Leather Industry Development Institute
Trade and Fairs East Africa Ltd. A Company of Trade and Fairs Consulting
Trade and Fairs East Africa Ltd. A Company of Trade and Fairs Consulting