• comesa_llpi_faq
  • 1. What is COMESA- Leather and Leather Products Institute (COMESA-LLPI)?

    The formation of the Leather and Leather Products Institute (LLPI) was approved by the Preferential Trade Area (PTA) for Eastern and Southern African States in 1988 to fulfill its industrial objective to “support and develop the leather industries of the COMESA regions”.It was then established by the signing of the Charter by member States on 23rd November 1990.

  • 2. Which Countries are member of COMESA-LLPI?

    At the moment there are only eight active members countries (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda and Zambia).

  • 3. Which Countries are illegible to be member of COMESA-LLPI?

    All COMESA Member countries are eligible for LLPI membership and 17 of these signed the Charter establishing the Institute?

  • 4. What is the Source of Funding of COMESA-LLPI?

    The Institute is funded from assessed annual contributions of these member countries and other sources, including service charge fees, consultancy, grants and assistance obtained through projects prepared by the Institute to implement its mandated objectives.

  • 5. Where is the Head Quarter of COMESA-LLPI?

    It is headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with its own office building commissioned in May 2007.

  • 6. What are the objectives of LLPI?

    The following are the objectives of LLPI:

    1. Promote cooperation among LLPI members in the training of personnel for the leather industry at various levels of the leather value chain;
    2. Advance research and development activities of raw hides and skins, work methods and indigenous chemicals and materials used in leather manufacture, the testing, evaluation and development of local raw materials such as tanning chemicals;
    3. Enhance investment and trade competitiveness throughout the leather value chain, from animal rearing to hides and skins production, leather processing, leather products manufacturing, and their trade at national, regional and global levels;
    4. Collect and disseminate information on leather industry at various value chain and leather products in the sub-region, transfer of technology, and new leather and leather products design;Provide consultancy and extension services in the Sub-region for the leather industry;
    5. Facilitate other activities in the area of leather and leather products which are in conformity with the COMESA Treaty and Protocol.
  • 7. How is the LLPI's Governance?

    • The LLPI shall be managed and administered by a Board of Directors, hereby established which shall have vested in it all such powers as are necessary for its efficient running;
    • The Board shall exercise its powers and perform its functions in conformity with the provisions of the Treaty and the Charter.


  • 8. How is the Appointment and Composition of Board of Directors?

    1.    There shall be a Board of Directors of the LLPI, which shall be appointed by the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of the Secretary General, on such terms and conditions as the Council may determine. The Secretary General shall make his recommendations from a list of experts submitted by LLPI Members;

    2.    Each LLPI Member whose expert has been appointed member of the Board of Directors shall appoint an alternate Director who shall have the same qualifications as those required for the Board Members;

    3.    The alternate Director so appointed shall not attend a meeting of the Board of Directors or vote except in the absence of the principal;

    4.    The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall request submission of documents showing that an Alternate Director appointed meets the qualifications set out in the Charter;

    5.    The persons appointed to the Board of Directors shall be reputable in the field of leather industry or in other fields or activities directly or indirectly related to the activities of the LLPI;

    6.    The Secretary General or his representative shall be an ex-officio member of the Board;

    7.    The number of members of the Board shall consist of five members determined by the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of the Board of Directors.

    8.   Upon the entry into force of this Charter, the Secretary General shall call the first meeting of the Board of Directors, which shall elect its Chairperson, and other office bearers.

  • 9. What are the Functions of Board of Directors?

    The Board of Directors shall:

    a.    Determine the policy of the LLPI in accordance with the provisions of the Charter;

    b.    Make recommendations, through the Committee or Committee of Legal Experts, to the Council of Ministers on matters of policy relating to suspension or amendment of the Charter, determination of regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions of the Charter and the determination of the conditions and terms of service of the Board of Directors;

    c.    Ensure that the LLPI operates and develops in accordance with the Treaty and the Charter;

    d.    Give directions to the Director;

    e.    Approve the programmes of the LLPI;

    f.    Approve cooperation arrangements between the LLPI and other institutions;

    g.    Submit to the Council of Ministers, through the Secretary General, annual progress report on the activities of the LLPI;

    h.    Appoint the Director, the Heads of Department and Sections, and Professional Category Staff of the LLPI and forward to Council for final approval.

    i.    Determine the Staff Rules and Regulations and Financial Rules and Regulations of the LLPI;

    j.    Approve the budget of the LLPI and submit to Council for final approval;

    k.    Determine the formula for contribution to the Budget of the LLPI; and

    l.    Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are conferred or imposed on it by the Charter.

  • 10. Who is the Principal Executive Officer of LLPI?

    The LLPI shall be headed by a Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and approved by Council to serve for a term of four years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for a further period of four years;

  • 11. What are Country Units?

    In the implementation of the provisions of the Charter the LLPI may collaborate with institutions designated as Country Units which are pursuing activities similar to those of, or helpful to, the LLPI;

    Each LLPI Member shall designate an institution as a Country Unit with which the LLPI may closely collaborate;


  • 12. What is the Core Team?

    The Core Team is the consultative and advisory body to COMESA Secretariat & other development partners.

    Read More About Core Team

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