• Kenya Leather sector SMEs receive Technical Support to boost Productivity and Competitiveness

    BADEA Technical Support to Kenya
    BADEA Technical Support to Kenya

    Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) continues to intensify efforts to boost its member states Leather sector SMEs Productivity and Competitiveness.
    This intervention is made possible through the grant funding support provided by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA).

    The support comprises provision of “basic equipment for footwear production” and “capacity building Training in Footwear and leather good Design, Craftsmanship, Export Readiness, Transformative Entrepreneurship,  Costing and Record Keeping”.

    Earlier this year ALLPI completed installation of equipment at the Training and Production Center for Shoe Industry (TPCSI) Thika, Kenya. TPCSI is a regional training center that was established by the Government of Kenya with support from UNIDO and other cooperating partners in the early nineties and the Government of Kenya and its cooperating partners have invested in infrastructure development support in terms of machines and equipment for the center over the years. The equipment provided by ALLPI recently through BADEA technical support is meant to facilitate the establishment of the Satellite Design Studio that aimed at enhancing design capacity development for the SMEs in Kenya.

  • LLPI and UNEP working under the "Switch-Africa Green" Project Make a Breakthrough in Green Production of Footwear in Kenya

    LLPI in pursuance of its mandate of empowering the SMEs, makes a breakthrough in facilitating Green Production of footwear in Africa. SMEs are producing footwears through eco-friendly processes through the technical support from the COMESA/LLPI and UNEP Switch Africa Green Project and financed by EU.

    LLPI is optimistic through working partnership with UNEP and a kind assistance of the European Union (EU) it would create opportunities for reducing poverty, creating wealth, improving on gender parity and stimulating rural development particularly geared towards the SMEs empowerment.

    Furthermore, LLPI is anticipating to replicate the success story in other Africa countries and, therefore, takes special appreciation to its excellent working partnership with Kenya Leather Development Council (KLDC) and UNEP through financing accessed from EU.

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