Based on the invitation by the East African Community (EAC), ALLPI participated as one of discussants during the GMIS Connect East African Roadshow which took place during 14-15 November 2019 in Arusha, Tanzania.

ALLPI was represented by Mr. Awlachew Sintie, its Information Technology and Monitoring & Evaluation Expert.

During discussion session, the challenges of the leather sector where highlighted to be lack of awareness of the leather value chain, technical know-how/ technical education, lack of standards, and financial constraints. The leather industry is one of the sectors which uses automated and smart technologies for Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), eCommerce and Traceability towards the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR). Madam Beatrice from Kenya was also part of the discussion and she also appreciated the activities of for the Region.

Awareness was also created how much the leather industry is capable of creating wealth, employment, and economic growth.

The Expert was also attended the presentation about Enhancing the Quality of Industrial Policies (EQUIP). EQUIP is a tool designed to assist policy makers and practitioners in benchmarking a countries’ readiness for Industry 4.0 using a comparative approach. The tool helps to examine (1) the adoption of industry 4.0 related technologies, (2) industrial automation capacity and (3) offers guidance on how to quantify the risk exposure of employment in the manufacturing sector of a particular country due to robot-based automation.

The website of the EQUIP project is .

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
Fax:+251-11-439 0900
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.