COMESA/LLPI is proud to announce that it joined the Intra Commonwealth SMEs Association (ICSA) Advisory Board as memebr since August 2017.
The objective of ICSA is to provide a sustainable platform for exporters and importers to regularly meet, build awareness of existing global standards as well as to encourage regional and extra regional investments in areas where the countries have competitiveness but lacks capacity. The association will be beneficial for the Commonwealth nations more particularly the LDCs, as it will enable firms to source their inputs more competitively while it will help LDCs to improve their supply capacities as well as diversify their export baskets. In other words, the association will help in enhancing and diversifying the exports of Commonwealth countries.

Participants to Intra-Commonwealth SMEs Association include but are not limited to:

  1. Manufacturing Associations of Commonwealth nations.
  2. Exporting Associations/Councils of Commonwealth nations.
  3. Service providing Associations and Councils
  4. Units of SMEs, where there is no Association/Council exists, and
  5. Big firms for strategic partnerships
  6. Service providing institutional associations
  7. Innovation hubs
  8. Government affiliated institutions
  9. Banks and financial institutions

COMESA/LLPI’s membership of ICSA enables it to share and/or gain experiences in the leather sector development between and within Commonwealth countries in Africa and globally.

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.