Part of the results of Capacity building by COMESA and ALLPI supported by the RISM programme funded by EU. The Training was made in Kafue in Zambia.

The Visit was made by Madam Hope and her Team. The Trainers of the this training are those already trained by ALLPI as Training of Trainers (ToT).

Visit of Vegitable Tanning Training in Zambia
Visit of Vegetable Tanning Training in Zambia
Visit of Vegitable Tanning Training in Zambia
Visit of Vegetable Tanning Training in Zambia


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Prof. Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, Executive Director of ALLPI
Prof. Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, Executive Director of ALLPI and President of ICT
Prof. Dr5. Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, Executive Director of Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), recently became president of the prestigious global body, ‘International Council of Tanners’ (ICT). The International Council of Tanners is representing producers of leather and its members are the national associations of leather producers, and most of the world’s major producing countries.The Executive Committee Members of ICT that held annual meeting through video conferencing on September 30, 2020, elected Prof .Mwinyihija with unanimous consent to replace the former president, Ms Lisa Howlett and her Team that completed their two-year term.
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The 37th Board of Directors Meeting of African Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), was held  virtually from September 17 to 19, 2020.

Prof. Mwinyikione Mwinyihija, ALLPI Executive Director, welcomed Board members and opened the Meeting and the Board Members elected  Mr. Abdul Hakiim Sekandi (Uganda) as Chairperson. The Current Members of the BoD are Eritrea, Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

The Executive Director presented ALLPI’s accomplished activities for the period January 1st to August 31, 2020, and the Institute’s 2021 work plan and budget proposal   and made  thorough discussion on Matters Arising from its 36th BoD Meeting, Institutes progress report of January 1st to August 31,  2020, and work plan, budget proposal of 2021 and Staff Matters.

The Board expressed appreciation for the much output registered during the reporting period, despite the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic, thanked the Executive Director and staff for translating ALLPI as a progressive team and once again confirmed the Board’s full support to management for full implementation of its remaining 2020 activities and 2021 work plan.

Finally, the Board, after adoption of the Report of the Thirty-Seventh Meeting, thanking for all Board Members on keeping to time and the Meeting was officially closed on September 19, 2020.

During the official opening of the Virtual Curriculum Workshop
During the official opening of the Virtual Curriculum Workshop from DRC side
During the official opening of the Virtual Curriculum Workshop
During the official opening of the Virtual Curriculum Workshop from ALLPI side

The Office for the Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Congolese Enterprises (OPEC) in conjunction with The Technical and Professional Institute (ITP) - BUMBU, in fulfillment of the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF) that set qualification of TVET Programs in DRC, requested Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) to facilitate the development of Footwear and Leather goods Design and Production levels I, II and III.  The participants of the workshop were drawn from the public sector, comprising of officials from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry and the Standards department.  From the Private Sector comprising of experienced officials from the Tannery, Shoe factory, Cluster Management and artisans.   From the Academia comprising of experienced officials from Technical colleges who are curriculum developers and trainers.

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Withstanding the outbreak of COVID 19 in the African Leather industry

The Pan African Leather Fair (PALF) in partnership with Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), Leather Apex Kenya, and the South African Footwear and Leather Export Council (SAFLEC). It created an opportunity to discuss the current escalating global situation and discover what you need to be better equipped to thrive and not only survive during this crisis. Learning more on the current situation of the African leather industry, challenges, and opportunities.

Access Webinar Recording

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Delegates visit to ALLPI Headquarters
Delegates visit to ALLPI Headquarters
Delegates visit to ALLPI Headquarters
Delegates visit to ALLPI Headquarters

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) facilitated the Experience sharing mission of Malawi delegates composed of ten officials from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and Leather sector association leaders of Malawi to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 9th – 12th March 2020. The general objective of the mission was to share experiences on how to foster the development of SMEs/cooperatives in the leather sector. The Mission was initiated and supported by the MALAWI ENTERPRISE PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT (MEPE) PROJECT III.

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ALLPI During the Materials Design and Innovation Exhibition-INSPIRAMAIS 2021_I
ALLPI During the Materials Design and Innovation Exhibition-INSPIRAMAIS 2021_I

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), considering that international relations and cooperation offer excellent opportunities to promote collaborations and share best practices between institutions, attended the “Materials Design and Innovation Exhibition-INSPIRAMAIS 2021_I” held at the Pro Magno Events Center (Rua Samarita, 230- Casa Verde_  Sao Paulo), Brazil on January 14 and 15, 2020.

ALLPI was represented by its Executive Director Prof. (Dr.5) Mwinyikione Mwinyihija during the Event.

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CS.Cart has partnered with Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) to setup a B2B platform to fast-track the trading process of African SMEs in the leather value chain.

In response to COVID-19 Pandemic, CS-Cart is supporting industry associations and non-profits with free CS-Cart license to stimulate the slowed down business activities.

On the basis of that, ALLPI has got the free license for CS-Cart B2B & B2C platform which will assist leather sector SMEs to trade among themselves. And ALLPI also appreciates CS.Cart endeavors towards linking business during such challenging times.

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ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

ALLPI is Certified of ISO Quality Management and Environment Management System


Contact Us

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
Fax:+251-11-439 0900
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.