Partial view of the leather value chain strategy review virtual workshop

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) concluded the first round of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy Review Virtual Workshop which was conducted during 15th – 19th November 2021.

The Workshop was attended by 15 participants from Eswatini, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe and six participants from ALLPI. Participants were drawn from Private, Public and Academia (Triple Helix) of Member States.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • To validate the report that assessed the millstones achieved and pertinent decisions made through the implementation of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy (2012-2016);
  • To validate the report on what ALLPI, member Countries and other development partners have done as part of implementation of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy 2012-2016;
  • To identify critical pointers to be considered in the new Stakeholders strategy;
  • To refocus and appraise the stakeholders’ expectations to the development of the leather value chain as indicated in various developmental strategies of the sector at national, regional and global levels;
  • To workout areas of follow up actions at various levels of the value chain; and
  • To appraise the level of “Triple Helix” (Academia, public and private sectors) engagement in the development and growth of the regional leather value chain.

The Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy is sought to transform the performance of the regional leather sector in terms of quality, productivity, competitiveness and market access.

Participants from each participating states were actively engaged to work on the vision and mission Statements, assessment of the milestones of the elapsed strategy, recast the SWOT Analysis of the regional leather value chain, identification of the Strategic Objectives and implementation plan.

At the end of the workshop, participants have appreciated ALLPI for organizing such a regional workshop for the Regional Leather Value Chain. The ALLPI Programs Coordinator, Mr. Ghebregziabher, on his part appreciated all participants for being actively engaged in the exercise and providing valuable information that will be used to draft the new 10 years (2022-2031) Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy.

At the end of the Workshop electronic certificates were handed over to all the participants.

This activity is part of the Regional Enterprise Competitiveness and Access Program (RECAMP) which funded by the 11th EDF program of COMESA and is conducted by ALLPI.

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