Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) conducted a two days virtual capacity building workshop on E-Commerce for Leather industry players. The Workshop was conducted on 14th -15th July 2022 in a hybrid mode-arrangements were made at each member country so that participants to come together at a venue. The objectives of the Workshop were:
  • To acquaint leather-based SMEs about the basics of E-commerce technology infrastructure, business concepts, social issues, and real-world experiences;
  • To enable SMEs to realize the emerging trends of E-Commerce;
  • To integrate investment and trade promotion activities in the leather value chain at Member States level.

The training was facilitated and conducted by Mr. Awlachew Sintie, ALLPI’s Information Technology and M&E Expert, Mrs Birkinesh Gonfa ALLPI’s Investment, Trade and Marketing Expert and Mrs. Valerie Bowden-Director of CRADLE (E-commerce platform working with African producers).
The workshop was attended by nearly 60 participants from 10 Member states namely, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Participants were drawn from Private sector and public sector in the proportion of 4:2; i.e four from the private sector and two from investment and Marketing Government Departments.
Mr. GhebregzibherGhebremedihin, the Programs Coordinator of ALLPI in his opening remark mentioned that “The 21st century has witnessed a profound change and dramatic increase in the way business and trade takes place, with E-commerce playing and increasing role.” He also highlighted that “E-commerce currently accounts for a small percentage share of total retail sales in Africa, indicating a major potential for future growth, most of growth comes from the rising internet penetration across all countries in Africa, bringing a higher adoption of online shopping practices by Africa’s emerging consumers.”
During the two days workshop, the following topics were presented and discussed:

  • ALLPI’s Intervention  in enhancing investment and ecommerce;
  • Introduction to E-Commerce;
  • Member state intervention in enhancing investment & ecommerce and planned activities for Leather and Leather Products;
  • Best Ecommerce Tips and CRADLE activity;
  • Starting Your Own Ecommerce Store;
  • COVID-19 Pandemic and Emerging Ecommerce Trends.

Participants were actively participating during the workshop and appreciated ALLPI for organizing such an eye opener workshop with the following key recommendations to be performed by the private sector, the Government and regional organizations like ALLPI:

  • Improvement of ICT infrastructure;
  • Enforcement of Cyber laws;
  • Engage academia to include E-Commerce Concepts in the School Curriculum;
  • Continuous Training and Capacity Building on E-commerce;
  • Provision of e-commerce grants, subsidized loans and schemes
  • Sensitizing commercial banks and other money-lending institutions to adapt to the needs of e-commerce enterprises;
  • Setup efficient transport and logistics services;
  • Establish Regional E-commerce platform;
  • Formulation of regulatory framework;
  • Adoption of international standards and experiences;

In the closing session of the training workshop Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin, ALLPI -Programs Coordinator thanked all the workshop participants for their active involvement and valuable contributions. He also expressed satisfaction and appraised the workshop as successful. He said the objectives of the Training workshop were achieved. The certificate of the participation was also handed over virtually for participants.

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Contact Us

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
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Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.