Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), following the invitation made by the Honorable Minister of Commerce, Transport, Industry and Tourism of Burundi, H.E. Marie Chantal NIJIMBERE, participated in the meeting held on 11th February 2022 in Bujumbura, Burundi. The purpose of the meeting was to jointly develop Action Plan in some 24 activity areas that were identified as priority projects by the Ministry for the year 2022.  The meeting was attended by more than 50 representatives of different international and national institutions that included World Food Program, UNDP, ALLPI, UNIDO and many others and was chaired by the Honorable Minister H.E. Marie Chantal NIJIMBERE. ALLPI was represented by its Programs Coordinator, Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin and the Advisor to the Executive director, Prof. Mekonnen Hailemariam.

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Mr Ghebregziabher, ALLPI Programs Coordinator making Opening Remark during the All Africa Leather Fair
Mr Ghebregziabher, ALLPI Programs Coordinator making Opening Remark during the All Africa Leather Fair
Official opening of the Leather Trade Fair
Official opening of the Leather Trade Fair

The 12th All Africa Leather Fair has been officially opened at Ethiopian Skylight Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 3rd December 2021.

The Leather Fail will be holding during 3rd - 6th December 2021. The Trade Fair was officially opened by the State Ministry of the Ministry of Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. In addition, the opening speech was made by the ALLPI Programs Coordinator Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin.

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) as part of its strategic activities, has supported 9 export-oriented SMEs in the leather sector from 9 ALLPI Member States, namely, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan and Zambia.

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Partial view of the leather value chain strategy review virtual workshop

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) concluded the first round of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy Review Virtual Workshop which was conducted during 15th – 19th November 2021.

The Workshop was attended by 15 participants from Eswatini, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe and six participants from ALLPI. Participants were drawn from Private, Public and Academia (Triple Helix) of Member States.

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • To validate the report that assessed the millstones achieved and pertinent decisions made through the implementation of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy (2012-2016);
  • To validate the report on what ALLPI, member Countries and other development partners have done as part of implementation of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy 2012-2016;
  • To identify critical pointers to be considered in the new Stakeholders strategy;
  • To refocus and appraise the stakeholders’ expectations to the development of the leather value chain as indicated in various developmental strategies of the sector at national, regional and global levels;
  • To workout areas of follow up actions at various levels of the value chain; and
  • To appraise the level of “Triple Helix” (Academia, public and private sectors) engagement in the development and growth of the regional leather value chain.
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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) have kicked of the Regional Leather Value Chain Strategy Review process aimed at developing a new strategy.

The first round of the process has been started on 15th November 2021 virtually involving 4 COMESA countries namely, Eswatini, Madagascar, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Partial view of the Virtual Leather Value Chain Strategy Review Workshop
Partial view of the Virtual Leather Value Chain Strategy Review Workshop
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Acting Executive Director & Programms Coordinator of Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), Mr. Ghebregziabher
Mr. Ghebregziabher, Acting Executive Director & Programms Coordinator of Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)

On Monday, September 20th 2021 marked a member state Directory data capture orientation meeting for Africa leather, leather products, allied industries and institutions’ Directory preparation. The meeting was attended by representatives from seven countries namely, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The meeting was opened by the Acting Executive Director & Programms Coordinator of Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI), Mr. Ghebregziabher; who pointed out that ALLPI is working to setup a comprehensive LVC Directory of institutions and enterprises in the leather sector in the ALLPI Member States, which will be further expanded to include the COMESA region and the whole African continent at large. He further clarified that the Directory will have contact details and other important information of institutions and enterprises in the leather sector. And once the compilation of the Directory is completed, it will be availed on the dedicated ALLPI hosted website and, whenever needed, as a hard copy to all subscribing stakeholders. He finally concluded that the Directory is expected to have great use in facilitating market linkages and networking among institutions nationally and regionally.

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) and the Ethiopian Leather Development Institute (LIDI) conducted collaborative Meeting on 11th August 2021 at the LIDI Board Room.
The ALLPI Team was led by the Ag. Executive Director, Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin and the LIDI Team was led by Mr. Hailekiros Debesay, Deputy Director General of LIDI.
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On an Event organized on 1st of June 2021 at ALLPI compound, all the ALLPI Staff welcomed the new Programs Coordinator Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin who joined ALLPI recently.

Mr. Ghebregziabher in his remark appreciated all the Staff Members of ALLPI for the colorful reception that was prepared to him. He also added that together with this wonderful ALLPI community, it will be very easy to realize the Mission and Vision of ALLPI.

Acting Executive Director/ Programs Coordinator
Acting Executive Director/ Programs Coordinator
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Group Picture of Participants
Partial view of Panel discussion during the event

The ALLPI Annual Regional Leather Sector Stakeholders Consultative Forum which had been commenced on 16th December 2020 in Hawassa, Ethiopia was concluded with success on 18th December 2020.

The Forum was concluded with recommendations to be implemented by the ALLPI, Member States, Academic Institutions and private enterprises. Some of the pillar recommendations are establishment of E-Commerce, promote leather design Studio, certification of eco-friendly leather products, innovation and knowledge diffusion, curriculum harmonization among others.

Prof. (Dr5) Mwinyihija, the Executive Director of ALLPI, in his closing remarks, pointed out that, “the Years to come is for Africa. All the opportunities and technologies are at hand and we need to work hard to promote our SMEs to produce quality and eco-friendly products to compete in the global market.” Prof. Mwinyihija underscored the upcoming year 2021 will be another milestone for Africa to host the four global events namely, XXXVI IULTCS Congress, 5th World Congress, ISO/TC 120 Leather Committee Meeting and All Africa Leather Fair (AALF). The Executive Director also thanked Member States, Academia Platforms, private enterprises, Haile Resort Staff, and ALLPI Staff for the effort to realize the successful conclusion of the Forum.


Prof. M. Mwinyihija, Executive Director of ALLPI
H.E. Mr. Yohannes Dinkayehu, State Minister of Trade and Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Mr. Bekele Tunsisa, Vice President of the Sidama Region

The ALLPI Annual Stakeholders Consultative Forum 2020 officially opened at Haile Resort, Hawassa, Ethiopia on 16th December 2020.

The Official Opening was made by H.E. Mr. Yohannes Dinkayehu, State Minister of Trade and Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Mr. Bekele Tunsisa, Vice President of the Sidama Region.

The Forum is being conducted under the Theme of “Transitioning Africa’s SMEs to Digital Economy by Skills Portability, Technology Adoption and Diffusion!”

Participants are from the Triple-Helix Platform (Public, Private and Academia) from ALLPI ten Member Countries. The Forum will be concluded on 18th December 2020.

Glove Training Workshop Organized by ALLPI in 2018
Glove Training Workshop Organized by ALLPI in 2018

Chingola Leather Cluster in Zambia is now set to provide certified eco-friendly industrial gloves to the mines and engineering industry large. This is as the result of the capacity building intervention provided by Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute(ALLPI) in Collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Zambia through Ministry of Commerce , Trade and Industry and Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM). In 2018, ALLPI conducted Skills training in design and production of Industrial gloves at Chingola Leather Cluster as part of its deliverables among other things stipulated in the MOU signed with KCM.

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ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

ALLPI is Certified of ISO Quality Management and Environment Management System


Contact Us

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
Fax:+251-11-439 0900
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web site : WWW.ALLPI.INT
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.