Market Access Training in Rwanda
Market Access Training in Rwanda

Africa Leather and Leather Products institute (ALLPI) with the Government of Rwanda Ministry of Trade and Industry (MiNICOM) conducted a one day workshop on “Enhancing market access and local sourcing for Leather Enterprises” to selected Leather players from Kigali on 10th August 2023 at Masaka Vocational Training Institute, Kigali.

The overall objective of the program is to give information regarding the supplier of input and main institutional buyers along the leather value chain to in hence the marketing activities of Leather players domestically as well as globally. The Training is the continuation of the training on TOT Leather Footwear & Goods Design Craftsmanship & Expert Readiness held on April, 2022.

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7th – 10th of August 2023 an Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute delegation Conducted a 5-day field mission to Rwanda. The mission was organized as part of the collaboration of ALLPI and Rwanda leather stakeholders.

The delegation visited MINICOM, Rwanda TVET Board, leather enterprises in the value chain and the newly established Kigali Leather Cluster.

The delegation was well received by the honorable Permanent Secretary for industrial development Mr. Richard. The PS and the delegates discussed about the collaborations between Rwanda and ALLPI in the transformation of the leather sector. The PS also updated the delegates about the status of the leather park in the process of establishment.  Currently local manufacturers are depending on imported finished leather. This shows that currently the main bottleneck to the leather sector in Rwanda is a problem on the supply side other than the demand side. Taking into consideration this constraint the Rwanda government has launched to establish a Tanery Park in Bugasera District. This project is expected to have a big impact in the process of transformation of the leather sector of Rwanda. The PS applauded ALLPI’s intervention in the leather sector in Rwanda and requested ALLPI to continue its support to the leather sector in Rwanda. The Acting Executive Director in his turn reiterated that ALLPI’s commitment to work with MINICOM and Rwanda stakeholders in the transformation process of the leather sector in Rwanda.

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The ambassador of the Embassy of Zambia in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Africa Union (AU)
The ambassador of the Embassy of Zambia in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Africa Union (AU)
The ambassador of the Embassy of Zambia in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Africa Union (AU)
The ambassador of the Embassy of Zambia in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Africa Union (AU)

The ambassador of the Embassy of Zambia in Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Africa Union (AU) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Her Excellency Mrs Rose Kashembe Sakala visited ALLPI on the 22nd August, 2023. The purpose of the visit was to acquaint herself with the work of ALLPI as well as have the opportunity to interact with some selected institutions and SMEs in the leather sector in Ethiopia. ALLPI facilitated a guided tour of Her Excellency to the selected institutions.

The ALLPI team led by the Acting Executive Director (Ag.ED) and Programmes Coordinator, Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin welcomed the Ambassador and permanent representative to the AU and UNECA and expressed gratitude for her visit.

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) in collboration of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the State of Eritrea conducted a Training of Trainers in “Footwear and leather good Design,Craftsmanship, Export Readiness, Transformative Entrepreneurship, Costing and Record Keeping” during 19th July – 1st August 2023 in Asmara, Eritrea.

The objective of the training was to:

  1. Enhance SMEs knowledge landscap on Leather Footwear Design, Craftsmanship and Exports Readiness;
  2. Facilitate SMEs growth through Shifting their Mindset and Embrace Changes;
  3. Enhance MSMEs technical capacity and economies of scale to supply both Public and Private Sector institutional buyers;
  4. Promote replication through knowledge sharing &dissemination.
  5. Assisting SMEs understand the importance of correct and effective record keeping.
  6. Control costs, make decisions and plan for future;
  7. Set appropriate prices to make justifiable profit;

A total of 30 leather-based SME representatives from Asmara, Eritrea have attended the ToT program. The training is part of the technical assistance grant of the BADEA Project activity.

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East Africa Textile and Leather Week, which ran through June 28th to 30th 2023, at Arabuko Hall, Sarit Expo Center, Nairobi was concluded to have global business linkages in the leather sector. This three-day conference and exhibition, brings together key industry stakeholders and thought leaders from around the globe to explore the vast potential of East Africa manufacturing sector in general and Leather in particular.

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) as part of its strategic activities, has supported 5 export-potential Leather player from Member state (Kenya and Ethiopia) to create production and marketing Linkages and knowledge from trade fair platform.

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LLPI Ag ED, the Secretary General of ARSO, Delegates from Saudi Arabian and a delegate of Nigerai
LLPI Ag ED, the Secretary General of ARSO, Delegates from Saudi Arabian and a delegate of Nigerai

Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) delegates at the invitation of the secretary General of ARSO participated in the 29th General Assembly and Africa Standardization week held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 5 – 7 July 2023. The ALLPI delegates Mr. Ghebregziabher Ghebremedhin Acting Executive Director (Mission Leader) and Mr. Harrison Mungai (Tannery and Leather Value Chain Expert) participated in the Africa Standardization Day. The African Day of Standardization has been a series of an annual events and this year it was   the 29th of the series of annual events. The African Day of Standardization is celebrated with the aim of raising awareness among African policy makers, Leaders, Regulators, Industry, Academia, consumers and the entire citizens on the benefits of standardization and to celebrate the milestone of Africa Standardization.

The 29th General Assembly and Africa Day of Standardization was celebrated under the Theme “Acceleration of African Continental Free Trade Area Implementation One Standard, One Test – One Certificate Accepted Everywhere.” The Theme is in the context of the AU year 2023, theme on Accelerated Implementation of the AfCFTA.

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As part of the its mandate to promote the regional and national leather sector development, Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) in collaboration the Kenya Leather Development Council (KLDC) conducted a one-day workshop on “Enhancing market access and local sourcing for micro enterprises” on 3rd July 2023 at TPCSI, Thika, Kenya. The workshop was part of the BADEA Technical Assistance on the leather industry which has been implemented for the six countries namely Burundi, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia.

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Official opening of the University-Industry Linkage Initiative and the 11th Internation Conference -CTA-2023

ALLPI attended the 11th International Conference on “Cotton, Textile, and Apparel Value Chain in Africa” and a pre-conference event on “Strengthening University-Industry Linkage to support the Ethiopian Tamrit (Let Ethiopia Produce) Initiative” held on 25th – 27th May 2023 in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

Strengthening University-Industry linkage to support the Ethiopia Tamrit (Let Ethiopia Produce) Initiative was officially opened by H.E. Melaku Alebel, Minister, Ministry of Industry of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on 25th May 2023.

H.E. Melaku Alebel, in his opening speech underscored that the 11th CTA conference as a special conference as it has brought academicians, policy makers and private sector stakeholders in one hall to discuss pressing issues and challenges in the industry.  Further he spoke about the objectives of launching the Ethiopia Tamrit Initiative and praised the University for making the initiative as the thematic area of the Conference. Furthermore, the Conference being conducted during the week of the 60th anniversaries of Bahir Dar University, and Africa Union Commission makes the conference as special event.

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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI) participated in a Stakeholders consultative meeting which was organized by COMESA Secretariat to enhance private sector especially Small and Medium Scale animal and animal product producers’ and value chain actors’ participation in sustainable regional and global value chains which was held in Nairobi, Kenya from 3rd to 5th May 2023.

The meeting was officially opened by Dr Bishar Fille Elmi, Director for Livestock production on behalf Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperative, Kenya. In his opening remarks, the Permanent Secretary recognized the Directors of Veterinary Services and Animal Production who were present, Director of AU-IBAR, representatives of WOAH, RECs, Member States and COMESA Staff.

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ISO QMS 9001:2018 and EMS 14001:2015

ALLPI is Certified of ISO Quality Management and Environment Management System


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Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (ALLPI)
Office of the Executive Director
P.O.BOX: 2358 Code 1110
Tel. +251-11-439 0928/0327/1319
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.